Maintenant plus d'excuses pour le coup classique du "Ouais mais bon, tu vois quoi, tu comprends, c que..." et ne pas prendre de news. L'ère du Blog sonne le glas de la désinformation institutionnelle (celle des chinois du FBI): maintenant où que tu te trouves sur la planète tu peux savoir ce dont il retourne: Les trépidantes journées de McJanus te sont contées avec fifres z'et tambourins! ;-)

vendredi, mai 12, 2006

Idées du soir...

...Bien le BooOOOOoooonsoooOOOOoir!

Donc voili voila voilou, de retour de ma soirée de vendredi plutôt... hum... plus...

Donc today journée Bibio avec de l'imprimage, du classage et du lecturage intensif! Cela dit bon, voila... bôf n'empêche...

1) C'est terrible, c'est la Parano des z'Exas!
Ca consiste simplement en une sorte de grande collecte, à mi-chemin entre le nettoyage de printemps des vieux classeur et la Quête effrénée d'un idéal-typus de polycop' (entre concis et précis) que jamais nous n'atteindrons...

Bref un peu galère, quoi!
Mais bon voilà... Hauts les coeurs c'est parti faut s'auto-motiver et tout roule!
N'empêche que c'est bien ca l'antithèse absolue de ce qu'on pourrait appeler "l'angoisse de la feuille blanche"! C'est la connaissance Ultime dans un classeur... à savoir dans les moindres méandres de la lecture en diago-rizontale!

Chaud, quoi (pour faire simple),
'Ôch, mec (pour faire z'encore more simplet')

2) Des nouvelles de loin!

Ouais alors là autant dire que c'est un sujet dont il se pourrait écrire des pages et des chapitres sans même qu'on eusse pû finir de mettre un semblant de contour à la matière à traiter! Déjà!

Donc je leur doit bien le numéro 3) de ce post:

3) Friends from all over the Planet ;-)

Mes z'Amis de partout... Je vous z'Aime, I love you all! Cheers my friends!
Passk je recois ca et là un p'tit mail qui fait toujours plaizZzir!


So maybe I'm gonna write in english for the ones that came trough these posts and read my word without understanding what I'm dealing with...

This message is especially intended for:
Will & Ana, Ninh Nguyen, Long (my "beloved" guide in Sapa -though but nice!), Michiko San, Tamzin, Jan, Tanja!

Oh dears, I think of you soOOo often! You enlightened my Life! You made me open the eyes to the real values...

Oh folks I love you soOOo much! I hope to see you one day, soon or late, here or there!

I really do!

Next moves planned are such:
-Exams until the 14th of July (not really "moving" anywhere)
-Partying for 2 weeks! Either to celebrate or to forget, drink and sink ;-)
-YiiihhhhaaaaaaAAAaaaaa! (I may be more crazy the second week)
-Move to Cannes, France (where there is the movie Festival) to meet my mother there and share some 2 weeks with her and friends there.
-Maybe, at some point in time between, I was thinking of moving to Zagreb, Croatia to meet my beloved "Grand-aunt" Verica Marsic! Ooooh Verica, I really do LOVE you!

-And then.... Suspense... Maybe moving to Ho-Chi-Minh City again rebis one more time! ;-)) This time to work as an intern-journalist for Thanh Nien News!

The thing is that this is one of several possibilities I will maybe have...
Let me explain you a bit what it is.

I postulated several Swiss embassies and other consulates and cooperations agencies to ask for an internship. I was in the process since february this year. As i will finish my university license this year, I hope at least, I was looking to do something nice, mixing work and leisure in some place in Asia... I was thinking of something about 1 month internship and then 1 month or so to visit the area...

Sent a application of 6 pages to 27 destinations, all of them in Asia.
Three answers arrived: Hong-Kong, Manilla and New Delhi! ;-) Big smiiÏÏïïle!

Then I informed them all that the three-months internship they generally consider as liable was a bit too long as I was also planning to do other things (exams, "work", travel, etc)... Now they all said they retain their final decision until around the 15th of may...

So let's wait until then!

Presently I'm revising most of my time... I passed the upper gear on my studies! Final exams is it sounding a bit like final exhaustion?

I try to keep fit too... despite I had to stop Karaté...
Do you remember Ana, Will? The day you left Hué, after that beer and my desperate quest to find you or your place for a last picture? I had a Karaté training... I was destroyed! < ;-) No, nothing serious on that occasion... But my busy life in Switzerland prevented me from going regularly... and I began looking for another "shaking" sport! I found it in Parkour! I won't explain this art of living in a chapter, but basically it's both a sport and a way to see the surrounding environment. You jump, run, balance trough/over/down an obstacle... You use an environment to create a path of your own.
Be as a child! Discover, climb, wonder... Every second on Earth is the first and the last of its very moment! "Here and now" is forever!

Ok, to be really honest it begins to be pretty late, and I'm really too tired to think properly...
But I would be pleased to resume this exercise and explain more in english in a next post...

So please, Friend, let me know you came, you lost yourself, you read (even if you didn't came across, reading every detail of each story carefully twice, underlining the main ideas)...

Simply let a comment!
I would also be glad to receive your emails!

I would hug you warmly right here and right now if I could!

Love PowaAa my Friendz' !


email: jan(%@")donnier(dot)com