Maintenant plus d'excuses pour le coup classique du "Ouais mais bon, tu vois quoi, tu comprends, c que..." et ne pas prendre de news. L'ère du Blog sonne le glas de la désinformation institutionnelle (celle des chinois du FBI): maintenant où que tu te trouves sur la planète tu peux savoir ce dont il retourne: Les trépidantes journées de McJanus te sont contées avec fifres z'et tambourins! ;-)

lundi, août 21, 2006

Will and Ana ... PowaaAAaa!

Honestly, this is the kind of enlightning moments I love!

Let's begin in the beginning.
Those who heard my stories about last year's trip were aware (...and maybe fed up) of the couple I met in Hue. As I said they really gave an example in my life. They're free. The're greaAat. Anyway. I love them, even if we only met for 3 days.

As I knew they were living in Saigon, the prospect to meet them was heavy in the balance when I hesitated between north or south.

As I came here I really tried and hoped to meet them.
Yesterday, checking my mailbox I saw amessage signed William S. I read the message that basically said : "happy to hear from you... come tonight for our farewell dinner. We're leaving on tuesday."

Same scheme as last year!

So yesterday evening I finally had the opportunity to ensure myself that I didn't dream those people: they exist for real!
What a good evening we had! I wish it lasted for ever... (am I in love with them or what?)

They were exactly as I remembered: sweet, nice and sincere.. plus a little bit childish!

So, this post just to greet them and wish them goodluck for their forthcoming adventures!

I'm not affraid to never see you anymore: I know it's not gonna happend!Wherever you're on this earth, you know we'll meet again one day in the future.

...To those who live their dreams and make those of others become reality!