Maintenant plus d'excuses pour le coup classique du "Ouais mais bon, tu vois quoi, tu comprends, c que..." et ne pas prendre de news. L'ère du Blog sonne le glas de la désinformation institutionnelle (celle des chinois du FBI): maintenant où que tu te trouves sur la planète tu peux savoir ce dont il retourne: Les trépidantes journées de McJanus te sont contées avec fifres z'et tambourins! ;-)

dimanche, octobre 23, 2005

Cam on!

Je vous le dis en toute simplicité: les mots ne peuvent exprimer ce que mon coeur ressent... Mais je vais essayer quand même, parce que TU le vaut bien!

Honestly: Words cannot describe what my heart feels... Anyway I'll try to translate it! YOU deserve (at least ) that effort!

Ana & William (Hue): Oooh! When thinking of you I just have such a sweet remembrance! Be aware I'm gonna find you in China (or elsewhere) take accomodation there and live with you! Honestly you were such deep souls... I really believe you changed my perception of expressed my desires better than I ever did!
I could write 10 pages of things I'll cherish in my memory... Our first discussion after this wonderful imperial dance show, Lac Thien (the restaurant with "graffitted" walls), the Zen Bar, the Karaoke ("Lithium" song in particular <;-) ... Oh man! I want to cry...and start walking to you tomorrow! You're greaAat people! Continue to make this World a better, hopeful place! I'll remember you forever (minimum)!
Love PowaaAAaa! Love and Peace!

Danielle: Alors là...très sérieusement on peut carrément dire que sans toi mon voyage aurait été bien différent... Je n'aurai pas connu cette facette du Vietnam, celle qui concerne l'adoption. Je n'aurai pas partagé vos joies et vos peines... Donc je n'aurai pas pu me réjouir pour toi comme je l'ai fait au moment de ta "délivrance", la remise d'Annaelle!
Vraiment je suis heureux que tu aie enfin pu aboutir et que tu puisses désormais rendre heureuse ta "Piou-pioute"!
Merci aussi pour mon Passeport... Sans ton aide, Ô combien précieuse, franchement je ne sais pas comment je me serai arrangé pour le récupérer (parce que je ne te caches pas que faire le trajet Hue-Hanoi deux fois de suite -env. 12heures de bus- ne me tentait pas démesurément!).
Bref tu l'auras compris de toi-même tu as été une pierre d'achoppement de mon séjour et je t'en remercie du fond du coeur!

Ninh (Known as: "My Pure Vietnamese Friend Ninh!"): On the terrass of the crossroad's Restaurant in Hanoi. First you "atchoumed"...I wished you "Chup su kweah" (ok, I didn't know that at the moment but the meaning was there!)... This is how we met!
Then we had such a wonderful day (yes yes, just one but in my mind it's still there!), i appreciated your company so much: GreaAAat is the best word to describe it!
Some mails after we met again 2'000km south of Hanoi, in Saïgon! I expected to meet you earlier somewhere, but this happened to be the occasion to meet you one last time before flying back. For sure I'll remember this last evening we had together... That was also my last evening on Vietnam... And it's an honour to have had it with you! I met you on my first days, it's just normal to meet you again on my last! <;-) You were a great Friend! For sure I'm not going to forget you! (even if I had...euh...some troubles to recognize you in Saïgon!) Please, if you go to Sweden and have the opportunity to go across Switzerland, tell me! I would be really glad to have you for dinner and wish you the traditional "An Ngon"! ...And more! So, in Brief: Cam On nhieu! I wish I have the possibility to meet you again one day... Meanwhile take care and live a GreaAat Life (as greaAat as the person you are)!!!

Long Ying & Bui Xuan Hai An (Suzucho trainers in Lang Son): This Karate training I saw in Lang Son...And the one I attended to in Hue... I owe you soOo much! It was truly one of my best physical experience in Vietnam! ...And I confirm to you that Vietnam Karate is truly #1!
Thanks for this discussion we had, this adress you gave me (Senseï Nguyen Van Dung), and the kindness you expressed to me! So many people in Switzerland know about you...I told them all the story that led me to fight a Vietnamese Karate Fighter and you are a great part of it!
Haligato and Cam On!

Tanya S. and Jan C. (Met during Sapa Trek): You're really amazing! What perfect moments we shared together! I'm sure you remember well enough the river and the bath we had... That was just GreaAat is is typically the kind of moment there is no word to describe.
Oh, and what to say about the dinner and the many cups of rice wine?! I took one bottle back to Switzerland..When I drink it, I swear it's true, I think of you (and specially of the irish guy that stopped the first <;-) I got a nice picture of us all... i'll send it to you! Finally: Tanya: Enjoy this experience you're living as you did when I met you! Live every second at 200%...and keep thinking the way I remember you did: as a wise person, aware of the Good you can spread around you! Jan: Waow! You! I wish I'm a bit like you, not only for the name, but also for your Heart! You make people feel good...and you're also very funny... Thus I often ask myself how you look, now, with all your ethnical shirts, trousers, hats, scarfs, jaw-harps...

Thierry (Canadien de Sapa):
Vraiment, repenser à cette (trop courte) rencontre me donne un sourire irrépressible! La soirée en famille, l'achat de ces z'instruments un peu bizarres... Le "concert" de la vieille dame... Puis le repas (et son alcool de riz qui vous tabasse), ses délices gastronomiques... Et enfin ton départ, bras-dessus bras-dessous avec ton hôte (qui, je crois bien, était le "chamane" du village que j'ai vu le lendemain)... Puis notre "retrouvaille du lendemain pré-départ"... Ah oui, y'a pas à dire! Tu m'es apparu comme une personne très sympathique et souriante, pleine de bonté de coeur! ...Ce que je ne doute pas que tu sois! ...Et je m'interroge: Comment c'est passé ton retour à la "Civilisation", que tu redoutais déjà?

Long (Sapa's guide):
Long, mon ami! Yes yes, in french as you have to improve your french... Remember when I come back we have to climb Phan-Xi-Pang moutain and speak french (or Vietnamese as you'll prefer!)... Oh, and above all I truly wanted to thank you for this greaAat Karaoke experience we had: I had such a great fun! ...And it also really meant something to me to have my first song being: "Blowing in the Wind"! Peace in Vietnam (and everywhere else)! You were a nice guide and a great person! Cam On et Merci beaucoup! ...And I still remember the "Chup su kweah" (=cheers) you learned to me! Nowadays I use it often when drinking potatoes alcohol with friends! I owe you so much!

Stef Beau (à Bac Ha): Ah oui, là tu peux le dire que ça a été mouvementé comme rencontre! ...Comme quoi on ne sait jamais ce que la journée en cours va nous apporter! Tu crois que je me doutais, au moment de mon p'tit déj' solo, que j'allais rencontrer une personne comme toi puis ta femme également? Non sérieusement j'ai beaucoup apprecié notre discussion (dans ce cadre vraiment incroyable), tes apports et tes idées sur des sujets de fond(s) <;-) Avec les cochons qui défilaient devant notre table... Puis notre re-rencontre à Lao Cai... en express! Si tu savais comme j'ai espéré que le médoc aie l'effet salvateur que je lui avait (mentalement surtout) conféré! Tu es un type Bien! J'ai été très honoré de te connaître! ...Et je TE et vous souhaite, pour l'Avenir, tout le Bonheur et toute la Santé que je puisse concevoir (et plus encore)!!! ...And aussi: Enjoy Japan! Haligato Fred San!

Michiko San (Greatest Japanese Girl on earth met in Hue):
It's all said! You're simply the greatest! Ah, if you knew how I really appreciated this afternoon and evening we spent together! ...All those Huda Beers we drank, those messages we drew on the walls of Lac Thien (and the bottle opener for sure!), My music and this japanese reggae we listened to on the stairs of my hotel or on the balcony of yours! I remember perfectly: A bright and beautiful person, a nice jamaican hat...And those pants that make you a very pleasant, nice and funny person! If every japanese is as you are: I want to meet many of them! And remember that the United Nations in Geneva are always looking for translators! <;-) If you come I'll be there to wait at the airport! No word can describe how sweet is my memory of you... Just know what I want to express: Haligato Michiko San!

Francois R. (de France, de Hue): Première rencontre à l'hôtel, un p'tit bonjour dans le couloir... puis le lendemain à la cité impériale... ET tu te rappelles ces délicieux beignets aux "trucs"...?! Le spectacle de danse impériale? Notre rencontre avec Will et Ana?
Notre rencontre fût vraiment brêve, pas plus de quelques z'heures, mais non moins dénuée d'intérêts! Je me rappellerai de toi, notamment avec ton chapeau conique (je tairais le ruban rose! <;-) Et finalement, avec tes z'histoires d'avion pas prévu? De retour en France ou toujours coincé quelque part au Vietnam ou en escale? Quoi qu'il en soit garde l'oeil et le coeur ouvert, et apprécie chaque seconde de ta Vie sans te soucier des avis extérieurs (surtout quand ceux-ci sont négatifs)!

Music shop's seller in Nha Trang:
So sooOoorry I dont remember your name! But surely I remember how pretty and sympathetic you were!!! Thanks for those CDs you sold me... When I watch and hear them I'm thinking of you and of that wonderful country that Vietnam is! I would be glad to know your name one day... And if I come back to Vietnam I'll return your shop for Vietnamese music...and this time I hope to find some typical vietnamese CDs!

Than (shop seller in Nha Trang): You were sooOOoo... Dep! And so sweet too... Do you remember the Bean Paste you gave me as a sweet? I ate it in the airport my last day... And thought of you! You were such a kind person: When I come back I'll pick you up and together we'll have this corn we never had and eat it on the beach!
This evening we spent together, front of the shop, with your 2 other friends and their beautiful traditional dresses... It was such a special and happy time! Write me back, one day, I would be glad! Meanwhile you're part of my "Vietnam Dream"... please greet your friends on my behalf!

Alexis (de Hue puis à Hoi An): Salut Kamarade! Marrant j'arrive à me rappeler nos rencontres comme si c'était hier.. la première fois au p'tit déj' à Hué, puis ensuite à Hoi An sur la route du marché (toi à pied et moi sur mon vélo)... puis notre session au marché et les marchandages y attenants... Bref, là aussi un bon souvenir bien sympathique! Je me rappelle aussi, bien sûr, notre Bière La Rue... ton jus de banane renversé... tout ca devant un "bord de rivière" des plus agréables à l'oeil! A toi aussi je ne dirai qu'une chose: Du fond du coeur: Merci!
(PS: Merci aussi de m'avoir appris cette histoire de "Dep Gai/Chai" ca m'a été bien utile après!)

Gaelle P. (A Nha Trang): Toi aussi tu es un exemple de rencontre brêve mais non moins intéressante! ...Et je n'oublie pas de te remercier chaleureusement pour avoir fais ces quelques plans-séquences sur le bateau...
Au rythme de tes voyages je ne serai pas surpris de te revoir, ici ou là, un jour ou l'autre... Et j'en serai très heureux! portes-toi bien (et mieux encore!)

Chau (Nha Trang): Just to remember you and I'm seduced by the image in my mind! Not only were you beautiful but also sooOoo interesting! There is no wonder your name (Chau) means "Pearl"...You're one!
Our first meeting on the beach, the afternoon, gave me a good impression of you...but to meet you in the evening at the club was just perfect time (actually it was the only thing that made me happy of being there)!
Do you remember the view, under the palm trees, next to the fire, close to the sea? Do you remember the "blinking star"? <;-) I do! I remember you and those moments and they put a greaaAAaat smile on my face! Please, dont forget me, when I'm back we'll meet again I hope!

Andre du Blue Diving Club de Nha Trang:
Merci vraiment pour m'avoir ouvert les portes du monde du silence. Ca aussi... une expérience d'une beauté majestueuse! Ce furent trois excellentes journees passees en ta compagnie (et celle des moustiques du Club!). Vis intensément ton rêve lointain et sous-marin!

Tanja: You're the last because you were the last... But for sure not the least!
So many time i meet people that left the day after (or even sometimes the same evening)...this time it was my turn...for good! We spent such a perfect day together... With our bikes... This "explorating trip" in the other district... This "Gastronomical experience" in a place no one will ever know if we were the first having eaten there (with the soldiers guarding the harbour front of us)... This Tiger, my Last in Vietnam for a while...
Just you... Just greaaAAaat! Please, don't consider this just as an usual "Thanks" it's one that comes from the bottom of my heart to express you all the sympathy I feel for you and to tell you what (just perfect) last day it was!
I would say you were reflecting my whole Vietnam Trip: Funny, unpredictable and open to opportunities, interesting, cultivated and beautiful!
Danke vielmahl meine freundin! I wunsche dir um eine arbeit in Vietnam zu finden! Sei glücklich... And please feel free to email, phone, text, smoke-sign whenever you want! <;-)