Maintenant plus d'excuses pour le coup classique du "Ouais mais bon, tu vois quoi, tu comprends, c que..." et ne pas prendre de news. L'ère du Blog sonne le glas de la désinformation institutionnelle (celle des chinois du FBI): maintenant où que tu te trouves sur la planète tu peux savoir ce dont il retourne: Les trépidantes journées de McJanus te sont contées avec fifres z'et tambourins! ;-)

mercredi, août 30, 2006

Dry squid

Yop! I just ate some strange stuff... Or even only in Vietnam (?)... I just wanted to share it with the entire world (that's certainly eager to know!)

"What was it?" are you all asking?

A dry squid (calamar seche). Sold on the back of a bicycle...

Hopefully I had some Bia Hoi to help it make its way down.

Good. Salty with just a bit of grilled taste. Chewy... but good food at the end...

Nevertheless I was happy only to have had a small one (5000VND) to eat... and not those huge ones...

The dry squid was first grilled (basically put into haze) then flattened trough a manual compressor-roll... then served with a chilli sauce. Actually I hate it raw... No chilli sauce for Reals.